martes, 18 de octubre de 2011


The leadership of the professional basketball of the Athletic Echagüe Club, it informs that one has decided to do without the sports services of the player Marcus Sikes.
After evaluating his performance and by mutual agreement with the technical body it has come near to the above mentioned decision.
In addition the leaders want to emphasize the good behavior of the foreigner, who was anoticiado in the day of this Monday on the disposition.
For some days the leaders and the trainer Ricardo De Cecco, are in the search of the one who will be Sikes's reemplazante, to occupy the foreigner's card in this season of the National Tilt of Ascent.

It is necessary to emphasize that, though one is working arduamente for this contracting, the times help, since the AEC will return to play newly on Friday, the 28th of current when it has to receive in the Luis Butta to Oberá Tenis Club of Missions.
Since he gets used in these cases, one is working before a good number of possibilities, between which there is evaluated who is the best for the club, having in it counts the strictly sports thing and without altering the economic thing, premise that headed the action plan of this leadership for two years.
In another order of things the nursery returned to train this Tuesday after having on the free Monday. It did it in double shift for the mñana in the gymnasium and in the evening in the stadium, these day I recess of the activity, they will be important to continue being employed at the physical thing and at the technical - tactical thing.

It presses Athletic Echagüe Club

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